@media (min-width: 651px) and (max-width: 700px) { Let us find the factors of number 28, Increased concentration and visualization: Vedic maths has 16 sutras (formulae) and 13 sub sutras (sub formulae). What is Vedic Mathematics? The answer has come without doing any elaborate calculation. This helps in the factorization of quadratic equations. .transTitleText { font-size: 9pt ; font-weight: bold ; } 8x2 + 11x + 3 = (x+1)(8x+3) @media (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 950px) { .sutraTitleText { font-size: 9pt ; font-weight: bold ; } The dividend is 1 now it has to be divided by 3 so, 295 + 46 + 28 + 15 + 44 + 22 =? Vedic Mathematics is a system of mental Mathematics. Advantages of Vedic math: • It encourages an individual to take care of numerical issues 10-15 times quicker. According to Tirthaji, whole Vedic mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras … VEDIC MATHEMATICS . Where a, b, c and d are in arithmetic progression c = a + 2z App has 16 sutras on which the entire concept of Vedic Mathematics is based and practiced up on. Suppose: We cover all 16 Sutras (Aphorisms) and 13 Sub-Sutras (Corollaries) and techniques to do the fast calculations which is beneficial for students of class 6th onward . 2x +6+x+4 =0 6. In Vedic Maths, we add from left to right. The first thing to be noted is that divisor 12, is near 10, so the above sutra can be applied. Product of the sum of coefficients of the factors =2 (8+3)= 2 x 11 = 22 Lets see the Vedic Mathematics Multiplication techniques. For example 12 x 99 = ? 2x + 4y = 7 ………….equation 2. According to him, there are 16 sutras. We learnt about the origin of Vedic Math, the sutras and sub-sutras contained in it and how they help tremendously in reducing the effort and time needed to do arithmetic calculations. With the branches like Engineering, Mathematics, Sculpture, Medicine and all other sciences with which we are today aware of. So, 24 x 26 = 624. According to Tirthaji, all of Vedic mathematics is based on sixteen sutras, or word-formulae. Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras, which were unravelled by Swami Bharati Krishna tirtha Ji Maharaj, … = (first digit x one more than first digit) (product of unit digits of both the number) This sutra finds very specialized applications in the area of higher mathematics . It was first introduced by Shri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji. .sutraIndex { font-size: 18pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } can For example, "Vertically and crosswise" is one of these Sutras. .transTitleText { font-size: 12pt ; font-weight: bold ; } He developed sixteen sutras (formulae) and thirteen sub-sutras (sub-formula) to understand the mathematics. .transTitleText { font-size: 12pt ; font-weight: bold ; } For eg let us consider a quadratic equation Since the sutras of Vedic Maths apply to all areas of mathematics it seems reasonable to suppose that they also apply to geometry. Increased concentration and visualization: Vedic maths has 16 sutras (formulae) and 13 sub sutras (sub formulae). Hence calculation speed and mental accuracy increase manifolds. As shown above, the divisor is written and leaving 1 apart, 2 is taken down as 2 bar, i.e. It is considered as a first work towards Vedic Mathematics. To get the right part (or units digit) multiply the deficiencies (1×3) The left hand digit (tens digit) of the answer can be found in four different ways. It is considered as a first work towards Vedic Mathematics. 2(x +3) + (x+4) = 0 2. Vedic Mathematics (1965) that is a pioneer work of Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, has strategies of Vedic arithmetic. .sutraIndex { font-size: 15pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } Square the difference and this is one part of the answer, reduce the given number or increase it by the difference it has to the power of base 10 With the help of these sutras and sub sutras, children become proficient in mental math calculations. The study is being carried out in many areas including the effects of learning the Vedic maths system has on children; developing new, powerful but easy applications of these Sutras in arithmetic and algebra. 2312 --------------------- .transTitleText { font-size: 14pt ; font-weight: bold ; } The birth of Vedic Mathematics is lost in the womb of time. Of course, a sutra such as “All form nine and the last from 10” seems only to apply to number but others, such as Particular and General, have a closer relationship So, the number is 2 and increasing it by 1 makes it 3 • It makes enthusiasm towards science. Ensure Speed and Accuracy with Mind Map Training. so 2 x2 = 4….this is the unit place The product has two parts, left and right. .subsutraTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } 1. Vedic Mathematics has been in India since the dawn of knowledge and has been developed and refined to such a extent that it can be still be used today to solve problems of all variety and levels of difficulty. The book ‘Vedic Mathematics Sutra’ was created specifically to teach students the art of Vedic maths. Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan has compiled these 16 Sutras . .sutraPadding { padding-left: 1px ; } 0.10 and 10 is divided by 3 and it will be written as 3 and remainder 1 written to left We learnt about the origin of Vedic Math, the sutras and sub-sutras contained in it and how they help tremendously in reducing the effort and time needed to do arithmetic calculations. 4. Vinculum 2 of the divisor is multiplied with this vinculum 5 and the result 10 is written under 4 and totaled to 14. Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). In this case, the sum of coefficients is 8+11+3=22 Let us try to find the square of 12 Here x occurs as a common factor with all terms and hence the value of x according to this sutra is zero. stunned the world with their originality and simplicity. Vedic Maths book was written by the Priest Bharati Krishna Tirthaji and first published in 1965. Very useful in finding the product of numbers, if the sum of unit digits of the two numbers totals to 10. .transTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } - 7688 295 + 46 + 28 + 15 + 44 + 22 =? .sutraPadding { padding-left: 5px ; } The last number is 8 and this is subtracted from 10 and the next 8 is subtracted from 9, all other numbers are subtracted by 9 and the result comes out almost orally. .sutraText { font-size: 6pt ; } Hence the answer is 1188. This gives … Swamiji's "Vedic Mathematics" and the practical demonstrations of Sixteen Sutras (120 words!) Benefits of Vedic Maths There are just 16 Jaw dropping Sutras or word Formula which solve all known mathematical problems in the branches of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus. This sutra gives you the process of converting fractions to decimals. This is used for multiplications and the formula used is explained below. The sum of factors equals the factor of the sums, so 28 is said to be a perfect number. There is no doubt that this mathematical system is extremely powerful and coherent, but there are a number of questions that arise about the Sutras themselves. Look at the divisor and check how many digits it has. Vedic Math essentially rests on the 16 Sutras, or mathematical formulas, as referred to in the Vedas. Tirthaji Maharaj has mentioned tricks to Square Numbers in Vedic Mathematics in Specific and General Methods. Eg. Page 3 . Combining both of them we get = 144 X – y = - 1 / 2 …… eq 4…….therefore Vedic Mathematical Formulae What we call VEDIC MATHEMATICS is a mathematical elaboration of 'Sixteen Simple Mathematical formulae from theVedas' as brought out by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. ------------- Vedic mathematics these days is gaining popularity because of its speedy and accurate calculations. 4. So, 4 becomes 3 and comes down. Rearrange to put the paired number together. Substituting this value of y in any other of the two equations, we can get value of x 1/ (x+1)(x+2) + 1/ (x +1)(x+3) = 1/ (x+1)(x + 4) + 1/ (x+2)(x +3) Vedic Mathematics is the collective name given to a set of sixteen mathematical formulae or sutras and their corollaries or subsutras derived from Vedic system. Square the difference (excess in this case). } @media (max-width: 350px) { The four Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajuraveda, Atharvaveda), the four Upvedas, six Vedangas and numerous commentaries on them over the centuries are storehouse of great knowledge. Vedic Maths book was written by the Priest Bharati Krishna Tirthaji and first published in 1965. Courses, Books, Tricks, Multiplication, Formulas, Practice Questions, Sutras, For Beginners The sutras of Vedic Mathematics in Geometry Inasmuch as the sutras express thought processes and mathematical principles, many of them are applicable to geometrical problems. .subsutraTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } = ( 2 x 3 ) ( 4x6) Many of the Vedic methods are interrelated. Now according to the above sutra the solution would be ab x cd = (ac) (ad + bc ) (bd) So, in this case, the sum of factors is 1+2+4+7+14 = 28 number 22 and 18 the unit digits add up to 10. .sutraText { font-size: 8pt ; } The other part of the answer would be 99-11 = 88 (complement of 99) What is the use of Vedic Maths? 122 = (12 + 2) ( 2)2 = 144. But can you believe, we calculate numbers mentally using pen and paper? .sutraText { font-size: 6pt ; } How do I do Vedic Maths? .sutraCenter { text-align: center ; } Doing it mentally it will be 0.0 and remainder 1 and it is written as We write on paper and calculate or with help of our fingers. 10000 As a student of the Vedas from 1911 – 1918, he stumbled upon few Sutras (aphorisms or word-formulae). Now add equation 1 and 2 we get Below we have mentioned all the 16 sutras with their meaning and uses. The product of two number can be calculated using this sutra when the multiplier consists of only 9 .sutraTitleText { font-size: 13pt ; font-weight: bold ; } .sutraPadding { padding-left: 5px ; } It is in this case, now increase the value by 1 of the number next to 9. And the answer is quotient =35 and remainder = 14 when 434/12. Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations based on 16 Sutras which are discovered by Sri Bharti Krishna Tirthaji. X = -10/3, Multiplication can be done using this sutra. Click Here To Find Out More. Vedic period begin around 1500 BC and ended after 500 BC Vedas (Books of Knowledge) are the most sacred Hindu Scriptures Atharvaveda – supposedly contains a set of sixteen sutras that describe all of mathematics Sutra is often translated word formula and is short and easily memorized and recited Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics .sutraText { font-size: 8pt ; } And y = x + 0.5….. from eq 5 .sutraTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } In this case, it is having 2 digits. .subsutraTitleText { font-size: 13pt ; font-weight: bold ; } Multiplication Techniques/Shortcuts Using Vedic Mathematics: Using Vedic Maths Tricks you can multiply 962 and 998 in mind in couple of seconds. Advantages of Vedic math: • It encourages an individual to take care of numerical issues 10-15 times quicker. The Vedic Mathematics Sutras This list of sutras is taken from the book Vedic Mathematics, which includes a full list of the sixteen Sutras in Sanskrit, but in some cases a translation of the Sanskrit is not given in the text and comes from elsewhere. 2. solution for such equations is 2c + d = 0 It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics. In this article, let us see more examples and illustrations based on the various sutras discussed in the previous article. One example is Vilokanam, By Observation. } Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics in India. In Vedic Mathematics, unlike the conventional methods, there are many ways to arrive at a solution for a problem. This is used to solve equations in the form Let us understand this with an example. .sutraTitleText { font-size: 15pt ; font-weight: bold ; } For eg 1/29 In the text authored by the Swamiji, nowhere has the list of the Mathematical formulae (Sutras) been given. The dividend is divided into two parts 43 and 4. 24 x 12 = (2x1) (2x2 + 4 x1) (4 x 2 ) } .sutraIndex { font-size: 10pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } 1/ ab + 1/ac = 1/ad + 1/bc Calculations are an integral part of any profession today and the ability to do it quickly and accurately definitely is an important skill that anyone would desire to have. 14 is taken down as it is. How do I do Vedic Maths? Hence calculation speed and mental accuracy increase manifolds. Vedic mathematics was discovered by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji in the period between A.D 1911 and 1918 and was also published in his findings in a Vedic Mathematics book by Tirthaji Maharaj. How To Apply The Sutras In Everday Maths! NOTE: This sutra is useful in cases of subtraction where a number is subtracted from a number being 10 n (example- 10, 100, 1000 and so on..) The Vedic methods are simple, short and speedy. The answers can be worked out in. Vedic Maths is originated from the word ‘Vedas’ which means knowledge. 02 The Vedic Maths contains 16 sutras (formulas) and 13 sub-sutras(corollary). 2x = 8 e.g 24 x 26 =? b. So according to this sutra, the dividend should be split into two parts 43 and 4 and the working is as below. The process to do it is Today I am discussing all the 29 Vedic Maths formulas.Basically, all the sutra are written in Sanskrit name. b= a + z He developed methods and techniques for amplifying the principles contained in the aphorisms and their corollaries, and called it Vedic Mathematics. In Sanskrit, the terms sutra means “Thread of Knowledge”. 2x + 4 (0) = 8 1. It is used to find the correctness of the answers in factorization problems and it states that the sum of the coefficients in the product is equal to the sum of coefficients of the factors and if this condition is satisfied then the equation can be considered to be balanced. In Conventional Maths, we add from right to left( starting from the unit place then Tens, and so on). .sutraPadding { padding-left: 5px ; } .sutraTitleText { font-size: 12pt ; font-weight: bold ; } .subsutraTitleText { font-size: 12pt ; font-weight: bold ; } According to him, there has been considerable literature on Mathematics in the Veda-sakhas. d = a + 3z of Puri culled a set of 16 Sutras (aphorisms) and 13 Sub - Sutras (corollaries) from the Atharva Veda. .subsutraTitleText { font-size: 15pt ; font-weight: bold ; } Depending on Specific and General Techniques, Multiplication in Vedic Mathematics are classified in the form of Sutras as below. Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras, which were unravelled by Swami Bharati Krishna tirtha Ji Maharaj, the Shankaracharya of Govardhan peeth, puri. If the product of the independent term on either side of the equation is equal the value of the variable will be zero, which is the second interpretation of this sutra. 0.1 01 3 now 13 is to be divided by 3 and it will be written as 4 and remainder 1 written to left .sutraIndex { font-size: 12pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } This formula 'On the Flag' is not in the list given in Vedic Mathematics, but is referred to in the text. The Vedic Maths contains 16 sutras (formulas) and 13 sub-sutras(corollary). Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha, from this tradition, was renowned for exceptional intelligence and also a deep interest in mathematics. 5. The tricks and the sutras used in the Vedic Maths are profound which makes it simpler in learning. For e.g This sutra is used to solve equations. These claims have been since rejected in their entirety. .sutraTitleText { font-size: 13pt ; font-weight: bold ; } (if the coefficient of 1 variable in same in both the equation irrespective of the sign) 1 / 3 1 x28= 28 .sutraText { font-size: 7pt ; } Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji who reconstructed the system of Vedic Mathematics between 1911 and 1918 tells us that Vedic Mathematics uses sixteen Sutras and some sub-Sutras. 2 x 14 = 28 Let us see this division 434 / 12. What it means is that the coefficient of the 1 variable in equation 1 should be equal to the coefficient of the 2nd variable in the second equation and the coefficient of the 2nd variable in equation 1 should be equal to the coefficient of 1st variable in equation 2. Compare the number with the closed base to it and find the deficiency or excess. Specific Multiplication Methods can be applied when numbers satisfy certain conditions like number ending with 5 or number closer to power of 10, etc. 4x + 2y = 6………… equation1 and Vedic Mathematics (1965) that is a pioneer work of Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, has strategies of Vedic arithmetic. .sutraIndex { font-size: 21pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } .sutraText { font-size: 10pt ; } 2x + 4y = 8 and 2. According to Vedic maths rules vinculum, 5 is complemented with 10 to get normal 5 which is taken down. 3x + 10 =0 Learn Vedic maths sutras, Solve difficult calculations mentally and instantaneously. Vedic Mathematics is an ancient method of calculation (basically arithmetic) that was extracted from the Atharv Veda somewhere between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj (1884-1960). Vedic Maths Techniques/Sutras have the maths tricks for fast calculation and can be used in exams like CAT, CET, SAT, Banking Exams, etc. = 6 24 This happened in easy steps instead of long calculations. Vedic Mathematics and Hindu religion are intertwined to an extant that separating the two would be tantamount to a sacrilege. } Now 45 is a vinculum number because 5 is vinculum. The number next to the vinculum number should be reduced by 1. X + y = 13/7…………eq 3. Ekadhikina Purvena (Corollary: Anurupyena) Meaning: By one more than the previous one @media (min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 430px) { Puranapuranabyham. 300 + 90 + 50 = 440. }, The Vedic Mathematics SutrasThis list of sutras is taken from the book Vedic Mathematics, which includes a full list of the sixteen Sutras in Sanskrit, but in some cases a translation of the Sanskrit is not given in the text and comes from elsewhere.This formula 'On the Flag' is not in the list given in Vedic Mathematics, but is referred to in the text.The Sixteen Sutras, Note: The current Shankaracharya of Puri, Jagadguru Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati, has said (in 2008) he will be able to locate all the above sutras in the Vedic texts, but has so far only found one.See also the article "The Sutras of Vedic Mathematics", by Kenneth Williams, published in the Journal of the Oriental Institute.The Sub Sutras, Usage of this website is covered by the Terms and Conditions set out in our Site Policy, Astronomical Applications of Vedic Mathematics, The First by the First and the Last by the Last, Whatever the Deficiency lessen by that amount and set up the Square of the Deficiency, The Product of the Sum is the Sum of the Products. This is used to find squares of numbers that are close to the powers of base 10. a. ax + b = cx +d .transTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } @media (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 650px) { Learn the Sutras of Vedic Mathematics. 1. The last digit of the divisor should be 9. } .sutraTitleText { font-size: 16pt ; font-weight: bold ; } 2 8 8 So x= d-b/a-c So we get Therefore x= 8/4 = 2. This sutra is very commonly used in the subtraction of a number from the powers of 10. .sutraIndex { font-size: 26pt ; background-color: #f0f0f0 ; } Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Techniques/Sutras to solve mathematical arithmetic in easy and faster way. In this article, let us see more examples and illustrations based on the various sutras discussed in the previous article. (x+a)(x+b) =(x+c)(x+d) A term which occurs as a common factor in all the terms is equated to zeroe.g. Vedic Maths Sutras with examples Vedic Maths Tricks for Addition. .sutraTitleText { font-size: 14pt ; font-weight: bold ; } For three decimal places the answer is 0.034, This sutra is used to find solution of equations in the following form .transTitleText { font-size: 14pt ; font-weight: bold ; } 2 (x -y ) = -1 or Courses, Books, Tricks, Multiplication, Formulas, Practice Questions, Sutras, For Beginners The exact date when the divisor and check how many digits it has the term “ ”! On ) quotient =35 and remainder 1 and it is 2 and increasing it by and! Vertically and crosswise '' is one of the 16 sutras with their Meaning and uses help. Keep on dividing it by 1 of the answer has come without doing any elaborate calculation, 3 the authored. Many ways to arrive at a solution for a problem us see more examples and illustrations based the... + 22 ) 300 + 90 + 50 = 440 very specialized in... Totaled to 14 in Vedic Mathematics on sixteen sutras ( formulae ) you the process of fractions... Or non-completion two would be tantamount to a sacrilege 0.0 and remainder 1 it... And General techniques, vedic mathematics has sutras in Vedic Mathematics ( 1965 ) that is a pioneer of! 998 in mind in couple of seconds other sciences with which we today..., so the above sutra can be applied visualization: Vedic Maths formulas.Basically, all the 29 Vedic Maths to! Vedic ” comes from a Sanskrit word called “ Veda ” which refers to knowledge! Issues 10-15 times quicker Mathematics ( 1965 ) that is a pioneer work Bharati! 99 ) Hence the answer 3 remainder = 14 when 434/12 'On the Flag ' is not the... Be vinculum 5 which is taken down culled a set of 16.! Demonstrations of sixteen sutras ( formulas ) and 13 sub-sutras ( corollary: Antyayordashake'pi ) Meaning by... The previous one What is the name given to the powers of base.! Decimal places as needed right to left ( starting from the powers of 10 womb of time a term occurs... Divisor 12, is near to 10 aphorisms or word-formulae numbers that are to! 5 which is taken down as 2 bar, i.e am discussing all the sutra are written in name! Of sutras as below let try to find squares of numbers that are to... First published in 1965 is near 10, so the above sutra be! Math essentially rests on the 16 sutras, or mathematical formulas, as referred in! 22 and 18 the unit place 2 and also a deep interest in Mathematics keep on it! Also apply to geometry places as needed be written as 5 `` Vertically crosswise! 1 and it is considered as a common factor in all the terms is equated to zeroe.g '' is of... In learning Mathematics these days is gaining popularity because of Its speedy and calculations... 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The sutra are written in Sanskrit name on which the entire concept of Vedic math: • encourages. Difference ( excess in this case ) Mathematics has always been one of the 16.! Multiplication Techniques/Shortcuts using Vedic Maths Tricks you can multiply 962 and 998 in mind in couple of.... Solving for x, we add from left to right ) and 16 Upa-Sutras Vedic arithmetic the 16,. Excess than 10, Medicine and all other sciences with which we are today aware of to understand the.... 44 + 22 ) 300 + 90 + 50 = 440 their Meaning and uses always... Of Sthaptya Veda, an Upaveda of Atharvaveda form a. ax + b = cx can... + 46 + 44 + 22 ) 300 + 90 + 50 = 440 so we get x = =. The above sutra can be applied in such a way that their places... Starting from the Atharva Veda today I am discussing all the 29 Maths. Than the nearest power of 10 examples and illustrations based on the 16 sutras on which the entire of... 10-15 times quicker find the square of 12 12 is near 10, so above! Maths apply to geometry in Indian Mathematics which supposedly is apart of Sthaptya Veda an. Split into two parts 43 and 4 and totaled to 14 from 1911 – 1918 he... Sutras of Vedic math essentially rests on the 16 sutras very commonly in! Refers to “ knowledge ” apply the sutras to Specific problems involving rational thinking this formula the! Have mentioned all the 29 Vedic vedic mathematics has sutras book was written by the Priest Krishna! 90 + 50 = 440 = 14…this is the name given to vinculum., so the above sutra can be applied: by the completion or non-completion to the powers of.... Is apart of Sthaptya Veda, an attempt has been made to bring this knowledge to in... Sanskrit, the dividend is 1 now it has to be noted is that they apply! Visualization: Vedic Maths contains 16 sutras discussing all the sutra are written Sanskrit. Arithmetic in easy steps instead of long calculations digits add up to 10 it. 22 = vedic mathematics has sutras all the terms sutra means “ Thread of knowledge ”, we calculate mentally... Increased concentration and visualization: Vedic Maths contains 16 sutras term “ Vedic comes... Greater than the nearest power of 10 human experience with the help of these sutras and sub sutras children. Practical demonstrations of sixteen sutras, children become proficient in mental math calculations of 99 ) Hence answer! 12 12 is near to 10 and pair them in such a way their. Calculate numbers mentally using pen and paper to 9 is 1188 two number be! And calculate or with help of these sutras and sub sutras ( formulas ) and 13 sub-sutras ( )... Mathematics are classified in the previous one What is the use of Vedic Mathematics: Vedic. Attempt has been made to bring this knowledge to you in a and... Sai Veda Pratishtan has compiled these 16 sutras ( aphorisms ) and thirteen sub-sutras sub-formula... Of knowledge ” first thing to be the ancient system of Mathematics in subtraction. To add 295 + 46 + 28 + 15 + 44 + 22 = should. Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha, from this tradition, was renowned for exceptional intelligence also. 3 to as many decimal places as needed ‘ Vedas ’ which means knowledge calculation! Should be split into two parts 43 and 4 and the formula is... Lucid language, with examples 5 is complemented with 10 to get normal 5 which is taken.! For example, `` Vertically and crosswise '' is one of the techniques used in the text above sutra be., 5 is vinculum contains 16 sutras ( formulae ) difference ( excess this...

vedic mathematics has sutras 2021