That’s not the issue. I loved building my practice more than life itself. Purchase a copy of this text (not necessarily the same edition) from Be purposeful, have your mission in life and be successful and there will be hoards of women throwing themselves at you for a relationship. It’s what all decent parents do for their children. Feminism upset that balance – in favour of women. I had made a subjective statement “Women crave accomplishment in equal measure with men.” His retort to that was that all patents possess penises and that civilization rests on the ingenuity of men. Ricardo built an important bridge between the theory of Adam smith and theory of Marx. “Kudos on a reasonable discourse my friend, by the way.”. You don’t feel my feelings or see the world from my perspective. I’m angry at the system, through which most people are disillusioned. From time to time, she would still throw her clothes on the floor and picks them up in an instant when she sees the look on my face., “Iversen and Rosenbluth (2010) suggest that agricultural intensification Oh Annie. God hasn’t abandoned us after all! Library services are now restored to most VPL locations with modified hours and offerings. was destined to be a god of the Manosphere, but instead he gave up his swan song and died. Do you really think we’re so banal that the only reason we invest our souls and the bulk of our young adulthood into learning and achieving is because of some pissing contest with the opposite sex? Right now in the UK around 20% of women end their fertile years childless, but for female graduates it is 40% and every year it gets higher. I win the debate if all you have to say is smily face. This perspective is quite irrelevant. Deep down they know they need a man. women are being brought up without any sense of responsibility…. If you are wise, you will do well. After he returned to Greece, Xenophon joined Spartan General Thibron and fought his own city-state of Athens, for the Spartan king, at the Battle of Coronea. “fathers aren’t the ones ripping apart the families in most cases.” We know you are awesome. The link you quote trumpets that female owned businesses employ 7.7 million or 5.3% of this. She wont be happy with a career unless its something like a nurse 40 hrs a week. Oh my goodness. For the rest, most of the career ‘investment’ you suggest we make in our daughters will ultimately go to waste because the vast majority will never exploit it. Gender roles are sometimes best served with a little fluidity. The sense of humour is nice, but would you dump him if he didn’t have it? Sure, there are exceptions. How does an educated woman’s credentials fracture her family? Quite frankly, this injures the exception’s reputation as well as women as a whole. Xenophon led an eventful life. The ‘female empowerment’ of the last fifty years came at enormous cost. Now it’s ‘no thanks.’ Brings out her visa, taps it and goes on. The Economist (eBook) : Xenophon. “I’m assuming that his argument to my contention is that per the historic contributions of men there can now be no acknowledgment of the drive and corresponding agency behind contemporary female accomplishment.”. “I’d also be willing to bet that the beneficiaries of those 7.7 million jobs (proffered at the behest of women’s professional efforts) would take you to task for questioning the merit of those positions existence.”. I have to agree. “Confused and conflicting guidelines” on how much to drink. So many women these days are self-sufficient OR on social support. Hopefully, the preceding is a bit clearer. Except, no man is looking to marry what amounts to nothing more than a penis-less male. Most women prefer to focus all that energy on a family (if they can secure one). It is in our instinct– hardwired into our very DNA– just as much as it is in yours. 3. The advice in this article is well worth remembering for modern women. Don’t want to be disposable? I’m assuming that his argument to my contention is that per the historic contributions of men there can now be no acknowledgment of the drive and corresponding agency behind contemporary female accomplishment. Marx’s work in economics laid the foundation for the recent understanding of labour and its relations to capitalist system, and previous economists and academics (Schumpeter, 1952; Hicks, 1974) believe that his work has influenced much of the consequent economic thought, as well as more recent academics (Unger, 2007). I also think that it’s okay for a woman to have sex with whoever she wants whenever she wants so long as she is totally private about her matters and leaves everyone else out of her decisions. The Agora Edition is fantastic (for those of you who enjoy physical copies). 28 million American women on Food Stamps. 14 She is like the merchant ships, Women don’t need men anymore, only want them. But I need you to understand that I not only totally get where you are coming from, I agree with you. Women make less money and start smaller businesses (and pay less tax) than men because of the choices they make. In the 1950s the average prole retard could make enough (40 to 45 bucks in today’s dollars per hour) to support a family of 3 or 4. I’ve pursued single mothers and ended the interactions the same way: leaving a cum-filled condom in an identifiable place, making sure the lesser woman has some awkward questions to answer in the morning. “The current system is unsustainable. Choices that typically do not have wealth creation at their core. Wow, looks like someone has a penchant for giving thier children shit advice. …and just to add, my mother kept an immaculate home and she was fitness and health obsessed and she doted on my father and lavished him with healthy, gourmet, home cooked meals every evening. With more children growing up without fathers than ever before. Youngster’s ideals rarely survive first contact with reality. ” I’m assuming that his argument to my contention is that per the historic contributions of men there can now be no acknowledgment of the drive and corresponding agency behind contemporary female accomplishment. A woman who wants you is not as valuable as a women who needs you. Throughout the course of his life, Marx came up with many theories. Another reason I chose this book is because it’s about a man teaching a woman how to be a woman. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself, right? My family is not an anomaly. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; A system where the best interests of men and women are diametrically opposed simply cannot continue. Unsurprisingly, The Economist is not available in mass-market paperback, unlike more dubious ancient works like the Satyricon. A more male dominated workspace = more men that more women find attractive = more stable LTRs / marriage = more wealth. Were the above actually a reality 95.5% of all patents would not be owned by men, the vast majority of inventions would not have been created by men, nor would they have been responsible for the creation of virtually every civilization in history (exception to the rule always have and always will exist however). Men are discouraging women from doing serious work, and big work that pays a nice salary is where the bulk of taxes come from. Like Plato, he belonged to the circle of Socrates' friends and conversation companions. Are you talking about raising their children if they are single? The Oeconomicus (Greek: Οἰκονομικός) by Xenophon is a Socratic dialogue principally about household management and agriculture. They extrapolate a lot of conjecture from physical anthropology on this site. Need, beyond material support, health, and general purpose, is weakness. But the author, Xenophon, an Athenian, had a taste for irony, borrowed from his teacher, the great philosopher Socrates. (The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics 2007) Robbins was able to change the Anglo-Saxon thought economics off its Marshallian process and onto the Continental train of thought. That sounds like quite the cool boyfriend. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. 10.4 trillion dollars. education, material objects) to combat poverty, which is often coupled with disease, depression, and death. Xenophon in Seven Volumes, 4. in context of the period that Marx was writing in; at the end of the When universities have been churning out more female than male graduates for years. And men have been tapped out. Religious groups are awful because they tend to grow exponentially (ten kids have ten kids each have ten kids each). Educations paid for, cars paid for, apartment bought out…’thanks daddy!’. For, despite years of ‘equality’ what this also means for men is the ultimate prize – sexual access to women. So I reframed the argument back to my point and addressed his notion that my agency doesn’t count per the contributions from antiquity. So other options are taken. Today, we see custody being awarded to drug addicted women, while the fathers are financially raped in family courts. Makes sense now. It is one of the earliest written works on. The Greek heritage in ethics, politics, historiography, and mathematics was heralded, but not economics. He was a pupil of Socrates. “there is always the alternate path for the woman (to stop playing career and get married to be supported by a man).”. Good for your mum, it sounds like she is working like a man. You also seem to think it is not possible the man did something wrong in the relationship. These figures are mind boggling. I really don’t see why there’s such a flagrant character assault on us career girls on this site. You are mad to assume this. The only thing that is intrinsic to my biology are the characteristics of my body that mark sexual dimorphism. I never said they were….I agree with you…. There’s nothing heroic about spreading legs without any regards about future ramifications. In today’s political and cultural climate a man is potentially enslaving himself by agreeing to marriage and is at the mercy of a woman’s emotions. Because your plan doesn’t work. The President’s FY 2013 budget allocated just around 1.6 trillion dollars to these programs, which means women are receiving approx. You are babling conspiracy theories if you don’t believe women have to take the exact same MCAT that men do – and those scores unequivocally count for all applicants regardless of demographics. In our post feminist utopia what is the best advice I can give them – at it’s most basic? ‘Guest’ is no different, but she does deserve props for at least (so far) resisting the use of over emotional shaming language. Also, I was badly wanted. Wouldn’t it be sensible to impart the wisdom that long gone are the days of the “fun, creative marketing/PR gigs.” Why wouldn’t you run against the grain and advise your son that HE TOO deserves work life balance and that he needs to be strategic and look for opportunities like PA school and so forth – same job would be equally lucrative and appropriate for your daughter too. Hell of a price to pay to a bunch of hot air. We grow, learn and contribute to further humanity, no? Guess what wins – I don’t do what I want, I do what I need. No need. The basic trade between the sexes (even after centuries of civilization and decades of feminism) is the man trades his utility for the women’s fertility. I would think nothing of being the sole breadwinner in my family should my husband’s career flatline. ...ncome. Moreover, how many women do you think will buckle down in this fashion to subsidize other women? He still hasn’t disproven my point that the drive for genuine professional and personal achievement courses just as strongly through me as it does him.”. This is THE Socratic discourse, which involves Socrates as the student–one who learns from a teacher. It is maybe best explained in terms of that great guy you found who is good looking and has a great job and treats you well. He was a historian, and he was not only a scholar who wrote about facts, he was a man of action who lived many of the battles that he counted. Dying out simply because you refuse to get enough children for your genepool to survive. Women may pay into the tax base but who do you think is also benefiting the most from it? Frankly it’s refreshing to encounter a woman who can admit her own ignorance. If she didn’t have a demanding job or wasn’t a full time student – that’s pretty lame. But so are you. The Bible is full of. How awesome to have someone who you love and who you can gravitate towards for wisdom and professional advice (This is coming from an MD with a brilliant husband who was my rock all throughout school). God help us all. Evolution has nothing to do with quality, genetic or spiritual, it has everything to do with practicality. Ischomachus gives another interesting line, “But the greatest joy of all will be to prove yourself my better; to make me your faithful follower,” of course in reference to household management. I know what that feels like. Merely leave her clothes on the hotel floor. Luckily she’s a natural red pill so she obeys without too much fuss. Therefore, women no longer needed men. Even modest proprietorships that are in the black yield resources. Published by Amazon Kindle. He works tirelessly and I know he personally would be devastated if his career tanked – but I personally would never be phased by this and would remain steadfastly loyal and appreciative of his love and companionship. David Ricardo inheritance and developed the theory of value that smith build, meanwhile, he become to consummator of classics theory of labor value , who brought prosperity to classics political economy. Mrs Beaver is out of the house, because nowadays, she never gets to set foot in the kitchen. The man trades what he does whilst the woman trades who she is. Additionally, given the endless and unfortunate hand-holding women receive due to politically-correct legislation who knows what women have actually earned their position? They are more truly measured in the broken men, exhausted women, fatherless children, fractured families and ruined lives it takes to keep a handful of women at the top. She didn’t study after she gave birth. my last ltr ended…. If not, well, bye-bye. For the last fifty years the ‘rise’ of women has co-coincided with ever greater demands on the public purse for them to be ‘equal’ whilst simultaneously bearing witness to how little they contribute to it. I begrudge no one the fruits of their labor. They are not able to produce the excess wealth required. You’re a female so you want to defend single mothers, and you were raised by a single mother so it hits particularly close to home. And it’s only because I borrowed her notes. eighteenth century, a great transformation in European (especially What’s nice about having a partner who can financially contribute to the relationship is that you too get surprises and your rent gets cut in half and perhaps she bumps your credit if you get married and you can refinance yer car at a cheaper rate – and then if she cooks for shite, you can make it a fun hobby that you strike up together. 430 to ca. Xenophon was elected a commander of the Ten Thousand Greek mercenaries at the age of 30. 7.7% of GDP? Someone find me a wife like that. we can mock these SJWs all we want, but their genetic ‘inferiority’ doesn’t mean fuck all if they outbreed everyone else. Female empowerment will not escape the same fate. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, It means this for men as well, but these are just side benefits. 2, 2nd ed. You don’t have to sacrifice your soul to the proverbial system in order to have a lucrative and cerebral career. Eugenics is necessary to uphold civilization. that merely controlled her at any given time. BDG needs to be fed if female ’empowerment’ is to be maintained. I’m not seeing it. than a political thinker, precisely because of his detailed economic What does it mean to be a King? This is a bit off-topic but you will frequently find the same dynamic when you debate broad concepts with women. However, I have found this to be such a common view in women that I’m truly not surprised. And marriagable, feminine women are in extremely short supply in the west. Care to point out the huge numbers of female founded, run and managed businesses that are paying the huge amounts into the public pot required to fund BDG? Get it through your thick skull. If you build a successful business you are likely to be successful in general, you are likely to have resources, be socially dominant and have more freedom of action. So yeah, elaborate on why I am terrible. I know a few, a very few. You ask how does an educated woman’s credentials fracture her family. They never really “know” how it’s going to be until they get there….but they’ll preach advice to you (like they know). Despite defaults, we still garner HUGE national revenue from student We have so much fun and he’s so loving and protective – worship the man Sometimes I earn more than he does (he’s a freelancer). They need protective custody. “He didn’t address my point. But these type of women do barely exist. “I’m also confused by your attempted amalgamation between welfare recipients and educated, salaried workers/business proprietors.”. Women need attention. These “pussy men” – the sons of single mothers – are the ones that we’re trying to “reprogram” for the next generation. The mother is worthless and she fled the state to avoid paying child support. When you can make women PAY FOR YOU and have her addicted to you with game and awesome sex, do you really own women’s bodies and minds. My chief concern is the continued destruction of the family by first, the state, and second, the special interest groups that have destroyed masculinity and femininity respectively via indoctrination. But why is this? But when my mom divorces just ONCE is suddenly awful for men to pursue her? What good is a key without a lock? I think its strong conjecture to assert this is ethically untenable for men. I’m not sure that there are any women my age who are proud to be feminine. In addition to this, it gives men and women an unwelcome interference in the relationship dynamics. Kudos on a reasonable discourse my friend, by the way. This view is simply projection – because most women view a good stable education / income as romantically attractive in a man they assume men will view theirs the same light. To assume this means that men are no longer valuable in the eyes of their partners is ridiculous. I have made the correction in my above comment. The Rules of Sociological Method. Join me next Thursday for books eight through ten. Solipsism is the theory that states that you can’t really know if anything else is real because you can only sense and really feel the things that are a part of you. I looked it up, and unfortunately the weight in gold part is not an ancient idiom, but the point stands that a woman is valuable who can teach other women how to be feminine. The ‘option’ for women to join men in the workplace has been replaced, largely, by an obligation to do so. created ‘a premium on male brawn in plowing and other heavy farm work’ (p.32). The sage spaketh, and much wisdom was departeth. Please enlighten me so I can change the error of my ways. And if it does they pretty much have their pick of women – only the most attractive need apply. “Now if you want to argue that having an echelon of middle class and upper middle class women who no longer are dependent on men for their physical survival is unseemly and the only tolerable dynamic for women is kowtowing in relationships in order to not starve – Well we’ve hit the impasse.”. Socrates tells a story about running into his friend Ischomachus. The question, I think, is a pressing concern for the readers of this site (myself included). And never divorce him. Given the economy keeps tanking for millennials, they will learn the hard way, “Odd how for a woman to pursue her dreams, a man has to give up his.”. Other articles where Oeconomicus is discussed: Xenophon: Socratic works: In Oeconomicus Socrates discusses agriculture and household management. Now women have the ‘power’ we have a 50% divorce rate, 1 in 3 children growing up in the US without a father, plummeting marriage rates with 40% of children being born out of wedlock. 70%+ of divorces are initiated by women. Why don’t you take your beaver, and leave. They are quite chaste, dress very feminine, have long hair and wear makeup…but they do have a man supporting them, their Daddy. Xenophon wrote extensively on the domestic economy in his Economist and defined the duties of a wife therein (the overseer of the home and children) and marriage as a “partnership ordained by the gods.” Not much is known about the life of Xenophon after his education. Everything is not doom and gloom. Correlation and causation, eh? Thank you for the added clarification to the conversation. Question: What sort of mating behavior is best suited to our future society? But despite your height you still fall short in terms of personality. Always set yourself up to “be the prize” versus looking at women as the prize. That’s why a lot of the feminist ‘go girl! So the government handouts single mothers receive, through welfare, is money taken from someone else. Also, my anecdote, while not proof, is unlikely to deviate from typical experience. But even more so: lack of time. It also enlightens on the “Men are keys and women are locks” analogy. While not all of them will want to admit that, some women will understand the need for a father figure and the value of men, and the children from those households will do better than the children where the woman goes it alone for whatever reason. industriousness, talent, insight, reason, love, these things can easily be washed away with the times my friend. Oh, now I get why I touched a nerve: you’re a bastard seed of an unwanted woman. It’s ironic that most young women INSTINCTIVELY KNOW not to marry a man who makes less than she does. Hence, we have a aging (and dying) population. Ischomachus proudly tells him that it’s because of how productive his wife is. In fact, a man would probably be even worse at raising children than a woman. Not to mention ones derived from several “different” seed. It is clearly delusional to state that women, as a group, are paying their way. You seem to be ignoring every statistic shown about bastard children raised by whore single mothers. I’ve just regained my faith in humanity. Many people have examined his work closely arguing that economic factors could not possibly be the only definition o... And in the end, we all suffer. It really shouldn’t be that nuanced a concept. “…i.e. My original arguments were never attempted to make a personal comparison between me and you but rather the dangerously incestuous relationship between women and the state, particularly as it pertains, though not necessarily limited to, the family and the cultural decay that has occurred due to the empowered ideological monstrosities that currently plague the West. I don’t think the issue is so much that men don’t want a woman around or to be married, it is that marriage carries with it such risks of ruin it is difficult to justify. We see it in the ever more extreme shaming language that more and more women employ to try to keep men on the plantation. A girl will lean on a microwave like a cripple on a crutch, but I don’t even own one myself. The scandal was well known and the family became a point of public ridicule in Athens. equated to a thousand million (i.e. In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels pamphlet titled The Communist Manifesto displaying their opinions on economics and socialism for the public’s enjoyment. Government assistance is taxes from the people. From my point, the girl has to be up to the task and learn a few skills if she wants to be kept around. However, my statement was attempting to distinguishing the different functions women and men have as a general rule as opposed to presenting it as an absolute. Thirsty betas are everywhere. If even 1000000 women have repeated your success, the amount of wealth they pay into the public pot would be risible next to the that created by the companies drilling oil and gas, mining coal, the companies building aircraft, the Microsofts and the Facebooks. I would absolutely make sure my daughters and my sons are primed by both me and my husband to be conquerors and to live life magnanimously and ethically – with eyes wide open to avoid being simps. However, no respectable man is going to step in and marry a 3rd rate women with bastards from degenerate seed. They don’t make wives anymore; instead, there are she-dudes who co-habitate with males whom they may or may not breed with. Thus, America and much of the west is full of men who have bad genes. Their PARENTS…and most disgustingly, their FATHERS. His work is usually recognised through his several publications, including The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (Capital) (1867-1894). Not if you want her to be around next week. My brother raises my niece (single dad) and he’s doing just fine. He was an Athenian gentleman and conservative. I don’t understand why it would be impossible to manage one’s time so that both one and one’s partner hold important occupations while raising children. Mostly they are not happy about it but they have made an effort vs reward calculation and found women to not be worth it. Socrates and Critoboulus ideally I ’ m more woman than most women do not want to have but... Where your intentions can ’ t seem to realize that there are still many that. Look around you right now – I ’ m a better homemaker most! Respect authentic integrity when it comes to creation and work well they slog on doing basically low manual. Condemn both parties involved in irresponsibly bringing about another human things can be. Pursuing ” xenophon the economist summary men typically pay more taxes really the result is an engaging that... 7.7 % of welfare payments whilst men, dress like men than life itself so these struggling... Leave them with less than they need our wallets you already have it yourself and. 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xenophon the economist summary 2021