The television should have a clean picture with good clarity and color, but extravagant features aren't necessary. It is well known that the earlier editions of this work, especially if they be upon large paper, command extravagant prices; but in reality the copies on smaller paper are now the rarer, for the stock of them has been consumed in nurseries and schoolrooms, where they have been torn up or worn out with incessant use. By the followers of this sect, also, an extravagant degree of reverence is habitually paid to their gurus or spiritual heads. His ex The moderate Loyalists joined in the election of delegates to the first Continental Congress; but the great body of Loyalists in New York strongly disapproved of the " dangerous and extravagant " measures adopted by that body, and the assembly, in January 1 775, refused to approve its acts or choose delegates to the second Continental Congress. These can be very simple or extremely extravagant. Moreover, the split in the Unionist party brought the united Liberal party in full force into the field, and at last the country began to think that the danger of Irish Home Rule was practically over, and that a Liberal majority might be returned to power in safety, with the prospect of providing an alternative government which would assure commercial repose (Lord Rosebery's phrase), relief from extravagant expenditure, and - as the working-classes were led to believe - a certain amount of labour legislation which the Tory leaders would never propose. High quality example sentences with “extravagant personality” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Simply lie back and indulge in the pampering of our extravagant treatments, from massages and body wraps to rejuvenating facials. It's not unusual for close family and friends to pick up something a little more extravagant, or for groups to go in on a gift together. He ran up stupendous debts through his, 6. Some of them retained their original character; others fell completely under the dominion of the friars, and were ultimately converted into houses of Dominican, Franciscan or Augustinian tertiaries; others again fell under the influence of the mystic movements of the 13th century, turned in increasing numbers from work to mendicancy (as being nearer the Christ-life), practised the most cruel self-tortures, and lapsed into extravagant heresies that called down upon them the condemnation of popes and councils.'. Go for boxes of chocolate or something extravagant from Fannie May. Decorations for outdoor weddings can be as simple or extravagant as you choose. Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property. The player should be a well-known, quality brand, but it does not need extravagant extras in order to perform suitably. 2. The general advancement of Australia, to the era of the goldmining, had been satisfactory, in spite of a severe commercial crisis, from 1841 to 1843, caused by extravagant land speculations and inflated prices. At last, by dint of fasting and lacerating her flesh, she succeeded in reducing herself to such a state of ecstatic suffering that she believed herself to be undergoing in her own person the Passion of the Lord. Henry VIII's pleasure palace Henry VIII (r. 1509-47) made Westminster even more important by building an extravagant royal residence there. Themes can range from hosting an extravagant costume night (elves, reindeer, Christmas movie characters) to the simple idea of decorating in all one color. So extravagant are the deeds ascribed to him, and so marvellous the attributes with which he has been clothed by the fond idolatry of his countrymen, that by some he has been classed with the Amadises and the Orlandos whose exploits he emulated. How to use extravagant in a sentence. Because the individual stones are so small, they blend together more smoothly and present a truly extravagant image. If round lenses aren't your best look, you could opt for extravagant aviators with deep, dark lenses. The reception centerpieces can be as simple or extravagant as what you have time and money to do. Who says a seven course meal is too extravagant? Stifling your child's imaginative processes can quench her fledgling spirit, so it's time to brush aside any adult cynicism and explore the world of extravagant girls' princess dresses! To prevent such extravagant expenditures for internal improvements as had brought disaster to Michigan and other states, the framers of the constitution of Wisconsin inserted a clause limiting its aggregate indebtedness to $100,000 for all purposes other than to repel an invasion, to suppress an insurrection or for defence in time of war, and the state is free from debt with the exception of that contracted on account of the Civil War. Decorations can be as simple or as extravagant as you wish. In 1544 Maurice secured the appointment of his brother as administrator of the bishopric of Merseburg; but Augustus was very extravagant and was soon compelled to return to the Saxon court at Dresden. But he was extravagant and self-indulgent, and he wanted more money than they were willing to supply. My profile. During the war the supplying of the army in the field had caused an artificial inflation of trade, and the Sprigg ministry had pursued a policy of extravagant expenditure not warranted by the finances of the colony. : Unless I'm attacked by an irresistible urge to extravagance I don't buy flowers for the house any more. Divorce lawyers with good reputations are usually busy enough they do not have to take out extravagant ads in order to get clients. Take into consideration your lifestyle, the color of metal you prefer and whether you are looking for something simple or extravagant. Internal strife at first prevented the development of her resources, and then when the export of guano and nitrates supplied her treasury with an abundance of funds the money was squandered on extravagant enterprises and in corrupt practices. Not feeling up to the extravagant shadow placement? These ideas, in a very modified form, were introduced into France by the great devotional writer, St Francis of Sales; in the latter half of the 17th century they were pushed to the extravagant length known as Quietism by Fenelon, and especially by Madame Guyon and Michel de Molinos. Where, therefore, there is animal pollution of any kind, more especially where there is human pollution, generally indicated by the presence of bacillus coli communis, purification is of supreme importance, and no process has yet been devised which, except at extravagant cost, supersedes for public supplies that of properly-conducted sand filtration. Keep in mind that when you buy a designer dress, it should be flattering on you and not just be about a fancy label or extravagant price tag. master falconers were often paid extravagant amounts of money to work for kings and other nobles. Wool is the most expensive and extravagant, but doesn't resist stains and dirt as well as other types of materials. Architecture is lighter, more frivolous, contains more extravagantgestures. Extravagant quotes from YourDictionary: And there he plays extravagant matches In fitless finger-stalls On a cloth untrue With a twisted cue And elliptical billiard balls. Depending on your location and the outdoor space, the cost of renting the area may end up cheaper than an extravagant hotel ballroom. But the theory has been carried to extravagant lengths by Kiinstle, who thinks that the creed was written in Spain in the 5th century, and soon taken to the monastery of Lerins. Hornblower hosts extravagant Mother's Day sightseeing cruises in the San Francisco area. Impelled by serious charges against Fremont, the president sent Montgomery Blair, the postmaster-general, and Montgomery C. Meigs, the quartermaster-general, to investigate the department; they reported that Fremont's management was extravagant and inefficient; and in November he was removed. They do not represent the opinions of (1773-1796), was a period of decadence; the king was incapable and extravagant, and he chose equally incapable ministers. With expectations raised by Yeltsin's extravagant election pledges, the situation is very volatile. Remember that the party doesn't have to be extravagant or cost more than the wedding itself. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. A sparkling tiara can easily define a style by transforming even the simplest look into something much more extravagant. Depp has contributed a forward to one of Thompson's books, narrated his biography, and, when the author died in 2005, Depp paid for his extravagant funeral. Your mom and grandma probably do not expect extravagant gifts. Click for more examples 1. Next came the crowd of stockholders and creditors of the state, who, in face of the governments extravagant anarchy, no longer felt safe from partial or total bankruptcy. An electric toothbrush—at once practical and … v. Pliny's eulogy of Trajan and his denunciation of Domitian are alike couched in extravagant phrases, but the former perhaps rests more uniformly on a basis of truth and justice than the latter. This administrative " double track," as it was called, led, it is true, in many cases to lively emulation, but was on the whole highly extravagant. How to use extravagant in a sentence is shown in this page. Suraj Mall raised the Jat power to its highest point; and Colonel Dow, in 1770, estimated the raja's revenue (perhaps extravagantly) at £2,000,000 and his military force at 60,000 or 70,000 men. When the talkies arrived in the early 30s, the extravagant beads and jewelry of the 20s disappeared as they interfered with the sound. She conceived herself to be specially favoured by Christ, who appeared to her in the most extravagant forms. In spite of his somewhat extravagant living, he left an ample fortune to his spendthrift son, who did his best to squander it as soon as possible. The innovation was at first received with some disfavour; critics accustomed to polite formalism censured it as extravagant and undignified; but the freshness and beauty of its melody soon silenced all opposition, and did more than anything else throughout the 18th century to establish the principle of nationalism in musical art. 4. What is a sentence using the word extravagant? At the time of his death, and for some time after it, the enthusiastic recognition of the genius of Tennyson was too extravagant to be permanent. ), bishop of Pamiers, in that year, the quarrel flamed up again; other causes of difference existed, and in 1302 the pope issued the bull Unam sanctam, one of the most extravagant of all statements of papal claims. Once the company became very successful, in 1912, Ford completely revised its entire logo from the extravagant design to a very simple stylized "Ford" in the center of an oval. 22 Oct, 2018. Later the Portiuncula church at Assisi displaced all other religious resorts, with the exception of Rome; but in the 15th century it was overshadowed in turn by the "Holy House" at Loretto on the Adriatic. This method of interpretation was pursued to extravagant lengths by other Franciscans and was subsequently 1 The oldest Latin commentary was written by this scholar (ob. 2. While many brides dream of an extravagant church wedding, the traditional rules of yesteryear have relaxed. But they require an extravagant supply of charcoal; and even with the cheapness of native labour the product cannot compete in price with imported iron from England. He appears first as one of the most reckless and extravagant of the young nobles who surrounded Nero. Jerry's job is to book events and oversee set-up for extravagant wedding receptions, including his most famous: turning an eccentric millionaire's home into a fairytale castle for a princess bride. On the death of Drusus, Agrippa, who had been recklessly extravagant, was obliged to leave Rome, overwhelmed with debt. The highest perfection with regard both to form and decoration was reached in the 16th century; subsequently the Venetian workmen somewhat abused their skill by giving extravagant forms to vessels, making drinking glasses in the forms of ships, lions, birds, whales and the like. PvP, which stands for player vs. player, can feature characters in extravagant costumes and more. The ages to which the various patriarchs lived (Abraham, 175; Isaac, 180; Jacob, 147), though not so extravagant as those of the antediluvian patriarchs, or (with one exception) as those of the patriarchs between Noah and Abraham, are much greater than is at all probable in view of the structure and constitution of the human body. A gift that's too extravagant may be greeted with embarrassment instead of appreciation. Drury lost his only daughter, and in 1611 Donne published an extravagant elegy on her, entitled An Anatomy of the World, to which he added in 1612 a Progress of the Soul on the same subject; he threatened to celebrate the "blessed Maid," Elizabeth Drury, in a fresh elegy on each anniversary of her death, but he happily refrained from the third occasion onwards. To ascertain the truth, he had also put to the torture two maid-servants described as deaconesses, but had discovered nothing beyond a perverse and extravagant superstition. They often showed off their wealth by opting for extravagant interior design. Another element in his character discovered itself when in 180r he mounted the throne over the body of his murdered father: a mystic melancholy liable at any moment to issue in extravagant action. Because the house is so extravagant, it is well out of my price range. According to an extravagant legend, the house of Joseph and Mary in Nazareth was transported by angels, on the night of the 9th - 10th of May 1291 to Dalmatia, then brought to the Italian coast opposite (Dec. 10, 1294), till, on the 7th of September 1295 it found rest on its present site. In the French drama an unimaginative imitation of ancient models had long prevailed; even in art Poussin and Le Sueur were successful by expressing a bias in the same direction; and in the first years of the revolutionary movement the fashion of imitating the ancients even in dress and manners went to the most extravagant length. No matter how extravagant or simple the Christmas themed wedding is, it is not complete unless it includes at least one Christmas tree. Extravagant as this sentiment sounds, it paved the way to better things. There are many options available for a kitchen island, ranging from extravagant custom islands, to modest islands that provide additional counter space and storage. canon being as yet but half formed - the Old Testament was pushed into notice by dwelling on this imperfect " argument," which grew more extravagant as the partial control exercised by Jewish learning disappeared. The public baths were kept under strict supervision; the toga was ordered to be worn in public by senators and equites on solemn occasions; extravagant banquets were prohibited; rules were made to prevent the congestion of traffic in the streets. Apart from this extravagant eulogy, it is absurd to regard Apollonius merely as a vulgar charlatan and miracle-monger. That Revelation has retained its place in the canon is due not to its extravagant claims to inspiration or its apocalyptical disclosures, but to its splendid faith and unconquerable hope, that have never failed to awake the corresponding graces in every age of the Church's history. betokened an extravagant mind, but there was in it a certain dignity, a singularity, which attracted me. Unless sin is to be awfully punished, the language of Scripture appears extravagant. Pour La Victoire: Known for its extravagant heels and flats, this French-inspired label creates visionary footwear that is at once classic and modern. He was also ordered by the council to revise his book of reports, which was said to contain many extravagant opinions (June 1616). You'll find ready made party favors from simple to extravagant at your local party supply store or online at sites like the Oriental Trading Company. You sadly extravagant man! Follow: Blog. One of the most confident of all signs, this element bestows a love for the extreme and even extravagant. Pratinas was also the introducer of satyric dramas as a species of entertainment distinct from tragedy, in which the rustic merry-makings and the extravagant dances of the satyrs were retained. His whole soul was wrapped up in his only son, of whose abilities he had the most extravagant estimate and hope. The extravagant layering on the wedding cake resulted in it toppling over.He lived an extravagant lifestyle and was constantly in debt. extravagant palace made out of crystal and rubies. The Venetian comedy also includes a pair of social parasites living off the prodigality of the extravagantyoung couple. These notes from deeds, evidently collected by an honest inquirer, make no extravagant claims of ancient ancestry or illustrious origin for the Howards, although the facts contained in them were recklessly manipulated by subservient genealogists. 3. There's also a fun "Bling Rating" for each property, suggesting how extravagant these houses actually are. I was moved to extravagant advice. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Extravagant definition, spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful: an extravagant shopper. Normally, this would be extravagantto the point of vulgarity. Examples of extravagance in a Sentence The reorganization of the department was aimed at reducing extravagance. There's a reason so many evening pantsuits are so extraordinarily extravagant and eye0catching - they're simply meant to show off on those extra-important evenings. Sentence with the word extravagant. 10. Pendant lights-Pendant lighting is a sleek alternative to the more extravagant chandelier. The British, deluded by their avarice, still cherished extravagant ideas of Indian wealth; nor would they listen to the unwelcome truth. Sentence Examples. Creed Fleurissimo: Known for its extravagant fragrances, Creed is more than well versed in the art of blending notes to create something unique and memorable. The revolutionary terrorists took advantage of the situation to multiply outrages; popular agitation was fomented by a multitude of new journals preaching every kind of extravagant doctrine, now that the censor no The longer dared to act; in December the trouble "union culminated in a formidable rising in Moscow. The extravagant list of example sentences with extravagant. Extravagantly. Both are declamatory, extravagant in character, highly lyrical and immediately establish the soloist as a romantic protagonist. Rick spent nearly a year’s salary on the extravagant engagement ring. 2 2 The ambitions which Henry cherished, if extravagant, were never sordid; his patriotism, though seldom attested by practical measures, was thoroughly sincere. Economy is the poor man' s mint; and extravagance the rich man ' s pitfall. The checkbook covers offered by Amazon range from the utilitarian to the extravagant. Flesh-meat cannot be procured without injury to animals, and the slaughter of animals is not conducive to heavenly bliss: from flesh-meat, therefore, let man abstain. 0. vocabulary. The favors don't need to be extravagant or expensive. It has sometimes been supposed that Pascal, from 1651 or earlier to the famous accident of 1654, lived a dissipated, extravagant, worldly, luxurious (though admittedly not vicious) life with his friend the duc de Roannez and others. The fate of the town had excited the liveliest sympathy in England, and the exuberant rejoicings in London on the news of its relief led to the coining of the word magicking to describe the behaviour of crowds on occasions of extravagant demonstrations of a national kind. Chivalry again in its military aspect not only encourages the love of war for its own sake without regard to the cause for which war is waged, it encourages also an extravagant regard for a fantastic show of personal daring which cannot in any way advance the objects of the siege or campaign which is going on. To ensure the support of his people the king had called an assembly of the three estates of his kingdom at Paris in April 1302; then in the following year Guillaume de Nogaret seized the person of the pope at Anagni, an event immortalized by Dante. Extravagant definition is - exceeding the limits of reason or necessity. These latter were conducted extravagantly, and badly administered. Donald Trump: Despite declaring bankruptcy a few times he has been able to reinvent himself and continue his extravagant lifestyle. The historic vessel is a replica of the extravagant Victorian steamboats which dotted the Mississippi more than a century ago. As regards foreign affairs, Mr Chamberlain more than once (and particularly at Leicester on 30th November 18 9 9) indicated his leanings towards a closer understanding between the British empire, the United States and Germany, - a suggestion which did not save him from an extravagant outburst of German hostility during the Boer War. He travelled through Flanders and Picardy, denouncing the vices of the clergy and the extravagant dress of the women, especially their lofty head-dresses, or hennins. Often, to make up for it in their own minds, they will purchase some extravagant gift - such as an expensive diamond ring, or a motorcycle, or a sudden vacation - and "surprise" their partner. You'll want to skip the nose wart for this costume, and you get extra points for extravagant cleavage. At the ensuing peace congress at Pereyaslavl he demanded terms so extravagant that the Polish commissioners dared not listen to them. 99 examples: The familiar failures of leadership and examples of extravagant demagoguery are…. Such extravagant tales about the early Celtic saints were very common. extravagant Moslem sectaries as the Hashimiya,the real Khorrami were not Moslems, but Persian Mazdaqites, or communists. She courts publicity by inviting journalists to, 15. Extravagant: If on the other hand you prefer to be on the cutting edge of the latest trends, then the Extravagant category might be a good match. But to other philosophers and mathematicians Platonism seems extravagant, for reasons that are at least partly epistemological. House impeaches Trump for the 2nd time. He was an ardent champion of the orthodox faith, repudiating all the extravagant doctrine preached by the Abbasid missionaries and formerly professed by his father. His styles are regularly featured on the red carpet, and some of his most famous evening shoes for women are often glowing with extravagant crystal embellishments. Whether your tastes run simple or extravagant, or you're looking for a contract or pay-as-you-go plan, Bluegrass Cellular is worth a look. They have, moreover, thrown off from time to time a number of extravagant offshoots. She was far too masculine in mind and temperament, and her extravagant addiction to the outward trappings of femininity was probably due to the absence or atrophy of deeper feminine instincts. Them when you want something a little extravagant this costume, and developed a Zwinglian of! N'T have to be fatal to the more extravagant centerpieces are perfect for creating a simple party... Of metal you prefer and whether you are feeling extravagant grilled scallops but it not! Benefits of the Volk of e-learning are becoming more extravagant, it is absurd to regard merely. 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